Netiquette, for those of you who have never heard this word, means the rules of etiquette that apply when communicating over computer networks, esp. the Internet.
I really have some serious pet peeves when it comes to online interaction with other people, especially since Facebook and other social mediums have been introduced. In the old days of only chat rooms and forums, you could ignore people who bothered you or kick them out of the room. These days it’s not so easy to get rid of bad behavior. The same goes for email, and even though it’s the oldest form of interaction on the net, the same bad behavior keeps on keepin’ on.
Email. When I write someone an email, I expect an answer in a reasonable amount of time. I think waiting weeks or months for a reply from snail mail might be reasonable (somewhat), but with technology being what it is today and the sending and receiving is done literally in seconds, a quick reply should be easy enough, forgoing any technical difficulties of course.
Another problem I have with email is forwarding. Some people forward every forward they get, that has been forwarded and forwarded so many times that it takes minutes to get to the bottom and read the original message. If you must forward, clean it up. Just highlight and delete all unnecessary email addresses at the top. Also, consider if the person you are sending the forward to will actually be interested in what you are sending.
Chain letters… ugh! I remember being in school and getting chain letters. I tossed them in the nearest garbage bin. Needless to say, I didn’t die a horrifying death (not yet anyway), nor did I have bad luck for 10 years (well, maybe a little bad luck here and there, but I really have my doubts that it came from a chain letter). I think I’ve gotten the same twenty chain emails at least two thousand times each in the past 15 years. Don’t send them people, no one wants them, honest!
Chat. I don’t venture into chat rooms much anymore. I used to prefer Yahoo to others, but since Facebook, Netlog and others have come into being, regular chat rooms, Yahoo, MSN, IRC, etc. are pretty empty and not as much fun as they used to be.
However, I do use my messenger a lot. I keep in touch with my family, who live far away from me, and friends this way. One thing that really gets my goat is when I say hi to someone, they reply, then I ask “how have you been?'” (or some other conversational expression) and they take a good three minutes to answer. By the time they do I may have forgotten that I had even messaged them in the first place. Well, I go on in this way for a few minutes and then they disappear or or I say goodbye and they just leave the conversation.
OK, I know, sometimes connection is a problem, or maybe they’re busy. It’s ok to say, “Hey, I’m busy right now, can I catch you later?” Rather than ignoring someone. I think it’s just downright rude and bad behavior. Treat the person online as you would treat them face to face. When I see people that have done this to me on a regular basis, they should not expect me to reply to them or pay them any attention while talking to me in person, seriously. My philosophy is, first time shame on you, second time shame on me.
Social networks. You do know that every single person on your friend’s list can see every thing you write, don’t you? Also, depending on your privacy settings other people may be able to see your posts and see them if they Google you. Your employer, school, and even your grandma! Have a little class.
No one wants to see your foul (very uncool) language or your lovemaking all over their Facebook feed. I don’t understand why people feel the need to advertise either that they are really stupid and like to show it using ignorant language or that they know how to purrr to their sweetheart. That’s all I have to say on that subject. Seriously!
Don’t spam the feed. Posting the same thing again and again and again! It’s just ridiculous and unnecessary. Also, be careful what you click. Remember, if it’s too good to be true, then it is. Also, don’t be a perv and click links that want to show “what her father posted to her wall made her kill herself” or “OMG! Miley doing hot stuff on live cam in front of her parents”.
This is my rant for today, thanks for putting up with it. Oh, and do unto others as you would have them do unto you!
Have a great day!